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"Without music, life would be a blank to me." - Jane Austen

Andreas Schaerer, from Berne in Switzerland, is one of the most talked-about vocal artists on the international music scene, and with good reason. He is considerably more than just a singer - and to classify him under jazz doesn’t really do him justice either. Schaerer uses his voice in the manner of a juggler, a magician. He can not only make it sound forth in contrasting stylistic idioms and vocal registers, (switching at will from songster to crooner to scatter), he can also produce all kinds of sounds and imitate a whole range of instruments. He can do beatbox percussion, or he can stack up polyphonic vocal parts on top of each other in a way which seems unfeasible. In addition to all that, he is also a hugely impressive composer and improviser, skills which he can bring to bear on all kinds of musical projects, where his virtuosity can be the key ingredient, either providing melodic form or rhythmic impetus. And his skills don’t stop there. He has considerable on-stage charisma, and also brings a rare gift into the world of ‘serious’ music: humour, which is the stock-in-trade of his main band Hildegard Lernt Fliegen (meaning Hildegard learns to fly).

Featured on

Anthem For No Man’s Land (vinyl)
Andreas Schaerer
Anthem For No Man’s Land
Andreas Schaerer
Evolution (vinyl)
Andreas Schaerer & Kalle Kalima
Andreas Schaerer & Kalle Kalima
The Waves Are Rising Dear! (vinyl)
Andreas Schaerer
The Waves Are Rising Dear!
Andreas Schaerer
A Novel Of Anomaly
Andreas Schaerer
Out of Land
Emile Parisien / Vincent Peirani / Andreas Schaerer / Michael Wollny
The Big Wig
Andreas Schaerer
The Big Wig (vinyl)
Andreas Schaerer